How could you use a QR code as a retailer?

Your business, no matter how small or large, could use QR codes in a number of ways. You might auto generate one next to every product on your web site containing all the product details, the number to call and the URL link to the page so they can show their friends on their cell phone. You could add one to your business card containing your contact details so its easy for someone to add you to their contacts on their mobile phone. Add them to any print advertising, flyers, posters, invites, TV ads etc containing:  Product details, Contact details, Offer details, Event details, Competition details, A coupon, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace IDs, A link to your YouTube video (which in turn will help you get to the top of a Google search!)

What can you do with QR codes?

What are the possibilities? Well, let's take a look at where consumers are finding QR codes. They show up in magazine ads, maps, food packaging, posters, leaflets, business cards, emails, websites and on the sides of buses. With these vehicles in mind, the current technology could be used in the following manner:

• Encode contact information or a short article on the back of a business card. This enables a paper to digital transfer of information.

• Enable an easy connection by a mobile device to your website. You could also encode a map with directions for company visitors.

• Track printed media effectiveness showing which ad or poster drove traffic to custom landing pages.

• QR codes can be printed on receipts with additional offers, or provide customer service contact information.

• Users can also interact with digital advertisements. For example, they can scan digital coupons and discount offers on a webpage.

• You could also place QR codes in an email newsletter for additional offers or for event-based information.

• You can develop loyalty programs providing special offers from paper-based content that is not accessible from any other source.

• You can enable product purchase offers, and provide easy access to product information and reviews.

•  You could print codes with product or contact information on business gifts such as coffee cups, t-shirts and hats.

How companies are using QR Codes

Mainstream retailers, manufactures, media publishers and restaurants are experimenting with QR Codes.  for example;

• A Sporting Goods shop displayed a QR code on the electronic scoreboard during a football game.

              The fans took pictures of the QR code which connected them to a website where they were offered discounts on purchases.

• McDonald's uses QR Codes on its packaging so consumers can access nutritional information.

• Ralph Lauren places QR Codes in print ads, store placements, and mailers giving consumers access to their style guides, limited edition collections etc.

• Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull movie posters were printed with QR Codes, giving users access to movie's trailers.

• Pepsi printed QR codes on bottles that redirected users to a custom landing page to view a special offer

• CSI recently used QR codes as a plot twist in a TV episode.

• Google is using QR codes to highlight “Favorite Places” in search results.

• Audi made a giant QR code out of people holding black and white squares in a video advertisement.

• Lego created QR code advertisement using Lego blocks.

• Calvin Klein displayed a large QR code on a billboard that launched a racy advertisement.

• Estate agents are putting QR codes on “house for sale” signs.

• Fox TV in the USA is using QR codes to advertise TV programs.

• Starbucks, high street banks, BT, airlines and major manufacturers and retailers are using QR codes.

• On Reading railway station all timetables are delivered using QR codes on your phone!

• Look at a recent utility bill or bank statement - guess what you will find!

• Budget airlines use QR codes in their self check in systems




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Website designed by Paul Bugge -  PL7 2012

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